The Illusion of Freedom: Unmasking the Paper Person in the Courts of Injustice and a Call to Action

Introduction: In the pursuit of justice, we often assume that our legal system operates fairly and impartially. However, behind the scenes, a sinister illusion persists—one that allows modern slavery to thrive under the guise of legality. This blog post will delve into the concept of the “paper person” and expose the tricks and traps used in courts of injustice that perpetuate the illusion of freedom.

  1. The Paper Person: A Hidden Identity The paper person is a legal construct used to deceive and subjugate individuals. We’ll explore how this concept is employed to manipulate victims and strip them of their inherent rights and humanity.
  2. Legal Trickery: Unmasking the Deceptive Tactics Delving into the tactics used by unscrupulous actors within the legal system, we’ll expose how fraudulent conveyance language and other deceptive techniques are employed to trick individuals into believing they are the ones being attacked, when instead it’s the “paper person” a legal construct that is a trust, named in a similar “sounding” name but is indeed a trust setup in a name that looks exactly like yours, but is in all upper case letters, making it a legal entity, not a human being with arms and legs, but instead uses the name that looks and sounds just like yours, but is not you, the same name that is on your birth “certificate” is really not you, but a corporation name setup not even on the day you were born, but several days afterwards in most cases, rather than the true perpetrators who are attacking you and want YOU to stand up and SAY it’s you when you believe it is but it is NOT you, but rather the legal entity in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS that looks very similar to the name your mother gave you but is NOT you, setup typically a few days after your birth. Trusts and CORPORATIONS are in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in most cases. Take a look at your driver’s license, your birth certificate, a tomb stone, your marriage license, court documents, a ticket, they are all typically in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for the NAME of the entity. Then they use all kinds of variations of the CORPORATION NAME, such as LAST NAME, FIRST NAME MIDDLE, or FIRST MIDDLE INITIAL LAST NAME, or FIRST MIDDLE LAST NAME, or FIRST MIDDLE INITAL PERIOD LAST NAME, for example: SMITH, JOHN, SMITH, JOHN P., SMITH JOHN PAUL, JOHN PAUL SMITH, JOHN P. SMITH, etc. there’s tons of ways to rewrite the name which makes it a completely different entity each way it’s written. Exactly how it’s written means a ton.
  3. Weaponizing the Law: How Courts Facilitate Injustice By examining real-life cases, we’ll shed light on how courts all over the world are instruments of injustice, perpetuating the illusion of freedom while failing to protect the vulnerable and oppressed.
  4. Breaking the Chains: Empowering the Anti-Slavery Movement Inspired by the courage of abolitionists before us, we’ll highlight the importance of knowledge and awareness in dismantling the paper person illusion. Discover how individuals and organizations are fighting back, advocating for legal reforms, and promoting transparency within the system.
  5. A Call to Action: Uniting Against Injustice In this concluding section, we’ll rally readers to join the anti-slavery movement. By raising awareness, supporting survivors, and demanding accountability, we can collectively dismantle the illusion of freedom and work towards a world where justice prevails.
  6. Within the legal system, unscrupulous actors employ deceptive tactics that manipulate individuals into believing they are being attacked, while the true perpetrators hide behind a legal construct known as the “paper person.” In this blog post, we will delve into the deceptive techniques used, particularly the fraudulent conveyance language, which tricks individuals into assuming they are the target when, in reality, it is a legal entity bearing a similar but distinct name. We will shed light on the creation of trust-based entities, often set up in all-capital letters, resembling the names of individuals but operating as separate legal entities. By examining various official documents like birth certificates, driver’s licenses, and court records, we will expose the nuances and variations in the written representation of these entities, highlighting their significance and the profound implications they hold.
  7. The Paper Person: An Illusion of Identity We will explore the concept of the “paper person,” revealing how it is utilized to create an artificial legal entity that resembles the individual but operates independently. This construct enables unscrupulous actors to divert blame and accountability, leaving individuals unwittingly defending an identity that is not truly theirs.
  8. Fraudulent Conveyance Language: A Web of Deception Examining the deceptive techniques employed within legal proceedings, we will shine a light on the fraudulent conveyance language used to manipulate and confuse individuals. By understanding how these linguistic tactics are employed, we can uncover the intricate web of deceit that further perpetuates the illusion.
  9. Birth Certificates and Legal Entities We will analyze birth certificates and the subsequent creation of legal entities associated with them. Exploring the timing and variations in the entity’s name as represented on official documents, we will unveil the intentional nuances designed to differentiate the legal entity from the individual, while maintaining a deceptive resemblance.
  10. Significance of All-Capital Letters By examining various official records, licenses, and legal documents, we will highlight the consistent use of all-capital letters for the names of these legal entities. We will delve into the implications of this deliberate typographical choice and how it distinguishes the entity from the natural person.
  11. Understanding the Name Variations We will explore the various ways in which the legal entity’s name is manipulated through different combinations and formats. By understanding the significance of these variations, we can grasp the importance of precise name representation and the distinct legal implications associated with each iteration. Just ask a trademark attorney or a corporate lawyer if it matters how the name is styled for an entity they are suing.

Conclusion: The illusion of freedom is a devastating tool used to perpetuate modern slavery, hiding behind legal loopholes and fraudulent conveyance language. By unmasking the paper person in the courts of injustice, we can expose the true nature of this systemic problem and mobilize for change. Together, let’s stand united against this illusion, fighting for a world where every individual truly experiences the freedom and justice they deserve.

Join the Anti-Slavery Movement:

  1. Educate Yourself: Learn more about the tactics used in modern slavery cases and how legal trickery contributes to the perpetuation of injustice.
  2. Raise Awareness: Share this blog post and other resources to spread knowledge about the paper person concept and its impact on vulnerable individuals.
  3. Support Survivors: Donate to organizations that provide assistance and resources to survivors of modern slavery, helping them rebuild their lives.
  4. Advocate for Legal Reforms: Engage with local and national lawmakers to push for reforms that strengthen anti-slavery laws and address the misuse of legal mechanisms.
  5. Stand Against Injustice: Use your voice to speak out against the illusion of freedom and advocate for a fair and just legal system that protects the rights of all individuals.

Together, we can unmask the paper person, challenge legal trickery, and build a future where the courts serve as a beacon of justice for all. Let us not rest until the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, where freedom and righteousness prevail.

Remember, the fight against modern slavery requires our collective efforts. Join us in this crucial mission and be a part of the movement to abolish slavery in all its forms. Together, we can bring about a world where the chains of oppression are shattered, and every individual can experience true freedom and dignity.

The Bible, in the King James Version, provides powerful guidance on our responsibility to champion the cause of the oppressed, widows, and orphans. In Isaiah 1:17, it states, “Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.” This verse emphasizes our obligation to seek justice, support those who are marginalized, and stand up for the rights of the vulnerable in society. Similarly, James 1:27 urges us to, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” These passages serve as a reminder that our faith calls us to actively advocate for the rights and well-being of those who are oppressed, ensuring that their voices are heard and their needs are met.

Join the and become part of a powerful force dedicated to eradicating modern slavery and advocating for the rights of the oppressed. Together, we can make a difference by raising awareness, supporting survivors, and advocating for systemic change. Join our community to stay informed about the latest developments, engage in meaningful discussions, and take part in initiatives aimed at ending human trafficking and all forms of modern slavery. Let us unite our voices, actions, and resources to champion the cause of the oppressed, just as the Bible calls us to. Together, we can create a world where every individual experiences freedom, justice, and dignity. Join us today and be a part of the movement that brings light to the darkness and restores hope to the oppressed.