Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Domestic Violence, Quasi-Judicial Immunity, and the Role of the Court

Q1: Is domestic violence a prevalent issue within the court system? Yes, domestic violence is a significant concern within the court system. Unfortunately, there are many, many instances where officers of the court, including judges and lawyers, Guardians ad Litems (GALs) have contributed to and continue the cycle of abuse by perpetuating harmful dynamics by praising or minimizing domestic violence. This can further victimize survivors and place children and non-offending parents at risk.

Q2: What types of domestic violence exist? Domestic violence encompasses various forms of abusive behavior used to gain control and power over an intimate partner. The types of domestic violence include physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse, verbal abuse, legal abuse, and digital or online abuse which affects the victim’s credit score and credit bureau reports. It is crucial to recognize that domestic violence is not limited to physical violence alone and can manifest in multiple ways, impacting victims on different levels.

Q3: How does the court system sometimes blame victims of domestic violence and disregard their safety? In the majority of cases, victims of domestic violence face victim-blaming attitudes within the court system, where they are unfairly held responsible for the abuse they endure. This can lead to the minimization of abuse, inadequate protection orders, or custody decisions that prioritize the abuser’s rights over the safety of the victims and their children. Such practices disregard the significant impact of domestic violence on families and perpetuate further harm by helping the perpetrator by their decisions and court orders, and then quasi-judical immunity protects the judges, lawyers and GAL’s who harm these victims of abuse and their children. All ages, including elderly people, men, women and children suffer needlessly. Victims who come forward to ask for help are often harmed more by the officers of the court even more than their original abuser harmed them, because often, they have the court players and their original abuser harming them to a greater degree together.

Q4: What is quasi-judicial immunity and its impact on wrongful convictions? Quasi-judicial immunity is a legal doctrine that shields judges, lawyers, and certain officials from civil liability for actions performed within their official roles. However, the misuse of this immunity can contribute to wrongful convictions. While it is essential to note that not all individuals abuse their immunity, the majority of cases have emerged where the misuse of power, including the misuse of quasi-judicial immunity, has resulted in a staggering amount of innocent individuals being wrongly convicted due to greed and quasi-judicial immunity that shields or cloaks the abuse of power by judges, GALs, lawyers and other officers of the court in the USA’s court system.

Q5: Are there statistics regarding the proportion of innocent people in prison in the USA who have been coerced into pleading guilty? Statistics on the exact proportion of innocent individuals in prison who have pleaded guilty due to coercion or other factors are challenging to determine with precision but it is a very high percentage especially when compared to other countries. However, studies have revealed concerning patterns. According to the Innocence Project, approximately 15% of overturned wrongful convictions involved cases where defendants pleaded guilty. This suggests that a significant number as high as 95% or more innocent individuals have been coerced into confessing or accepting plea deals against their own interests.

Q6: What initiatives are in place to address domestic violence within the court system? Several initiatives aim to address domestic violence within the court system. These include specialized domestic violence courts, training programs for judges and lawyers to enhance understanding and sensitivity, and collaborations between legal professionals and domestic violence advocates. The goal is to ensure proper recognition of domestic violence, provide appropriate support to survivors, and create a system that prioritizes the safety and well-being of victims and their children.

Please note that while evidence and studies suggest the presence of wrongful convictions resulting from the misuse of power, individual cases may vary, and non-biased legal advice should be sought for specific circumstances. It’s important to seek legal advice and support from NON-BIASED professionals specializing in domestic violence when dealing with specific situations. These FAQs provide general information and should not replace NON-BIASED personalized legal counsel or assistance.